This is the 1964 last day of school award ceremony. I’m surprised to see both male and female students wearing shorts on stage.
The three fellows sitting on the left were the 1964 and 1965 Student Body Presidents, Kenny Fischer, Mike Price and Jim Feldmier. Bill Wilson and I ran against Jim for SBP. I don’t know why Bill didn’t win, but I blame my loss on general candidate ineptitude and picking Bill Hopkins to be my campaign manager. Mike Daniels is getting a handshake from principal Fred Wilferth.
Preston Foster
Milton Ueleke may be recognizing Preston Foster for having the greatest height discrepancy between presenter and presentee. Cornelia Glockel looks on.
Susan Seabaugh

I recognize Susan Seabaugh because the first big assignment debate coach Ruby Davis gave me was to give the nominating speech for Susan at a student congress or something. I figured she trusted me with the task because Susan probably had such a lock on the office that even I couldn’t foul it up. The last thing Ruby did was to scrub my speech for any words that would trigger my Swampeast Missouri twang. Every once in awhile I let slip the word “warsh” just so I can hear Ruby spinning in her grave.
Here was another story about the last day of school.
Photo gallery of award winners
I’ll let you figure out who is who and what they did that was special enough to make it to the stage. There are a few faces who look familiar, but I can’t put a name to them. You WILL see Robert Sheets and Bill Kuster. Click on any photo to make it larger, then click on the sides to move through the gallery.