Elmwood Dates to Spain and 1797

I knew there was supposed to be a large house located down the gated lane off Bloomfield Rd. past Mt. Tabor as you were heading toward Dutchtown. The property used to be set off with white fences.

When my mother and I were on our way down to see how far the Diversion Channel had backed up, she remarked, “I haven’t been down there in years.”

I confessed that the only time I had been down the road was when I was riding with a deputy sheriff one night. We were cruising around more or less aimlessly when he said, “We’ve been having reports of trespassers down there, let’s take a drive by.”

Right after we cleared the gate, he pointed his spotlight across the grass and said, “Hey! I think that’s a fox. Let’s see if we can catch him,” and went in full pursuit of the animal. Before he had time to get anywhere close, the dispatcher broadcast that the resident of the property thought the trespassers might have come back and asked if any unit was close.

My friend acknowledged the call and said, “XYZ is in the vicinity. We’ll handle.” The dispatcher never knew just HOW much in the vicinity he was.

There weren’t any posted signs

Mother tends to be a little nervous about my sightseeing. “What will you say if anyone stops you?”

I didn’t see a problem

  • The gate was open.
  • The property wasn’t posted.
  • The road is marked on my GPS with a street name.
  • I have Florida tags on the car and a bumper stick that says, “When I retire, I’m going to go up north and drive real slow.” (OK, the bumper sticker part is a joke. I’m still looking for one.)
  • We weren’t chasing any foxes.

Elmwood is impressive

After going down a lane so long that we thought we were on a water haul (fire department term for a false alarm because all you did was haul water), Elmwood came into view.

“Wow,” was all I could say. There are bigger homes in Cape County, but none that look like this one.

The Southeast Missourian published a Bicentennial feature on Elmwood’s history Nov. 1, 1975. It’s worth following the link.

The families of Alexander Giboney and Andrew Ramsay settled in this area when Kentucky became “overcrowded,” the feature explained. Giboney and his wife, Rebecca Ramsey settled on the land now known as Elmwood. The King of Spain granted them title to the land in 1797.

Some time around 1808, plans were drawn up for a permanent home, which was built by slaves. Some were stone masons, some skilled carpenters and wood workers, others were brick makers. The house was modeled after the Ramsay family castle in Scotland, Dalhousie.

900 acres become Dalhousie Golf Club

Ray Owen wrote in November 2005 that about 900 acres of the original land grant had been sold to create the Dalhousie Golf Club. At that time, Pat Evans, a son of Robert Evans and descendant of Rebecca Ramsey, still lived in the mansion and maintained about 70 acres of the property.

Interesting historical Elmwood links

I stumbled across several news stories with historical factoids about people connected with Elmwood.

June 8, 1942: Mrs. Patrick Frissell announced the marriage of her daughter, Mary Giboney Frissell to Capt. Robert Evans.

Aug. 2, 1954: Rebecca Ramsay Houck Frissell died at the family home. Good obit with lots of history. Even though she opposed the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, she became active politically after it passed.

June 26, 1963: William G. Evans, 17, took off at the same field where his mother, Mrs. Robert C. Evans, flew her solo exactly 24 years before, June 22, 1939. She was the first woman in Southeast Missouri to fly by herself. The flight took place at the old Consolidated School of Aviation field, which later became the headquarters for R.B. Potashnick Construction Co.

83 Replies to “Elmwood Dates to Spain and 1797”

  1. Holy Cow…I thought I knew all about Cape…so unless this part of the Tall Tales sections this this is the biggest find for me in years…Bob Young Class on “66” built a dome house about a mile from this house…I NEVER knew this monster was there!
    BTW the map is not working corrrectly…the link works see it..WOW

    1. No, this isn’t part of the Cape Girardeau Storytelling Festival.

      Wife Lila reminded me that she was along the night of The Great Fox Hunt.

      To quote her, “I remember the night of the foxes. I couldn’t remember why we did it, but I do remember driving fast and nearly making figure 8s on the grass behind the white fence.”

      I guess I’ve been away from The Wife too long, because I questioned her memory (instead of saying, as I’ve learned to do, “You’re right.”

      “Were you along? [Name removed for obvious reasons] was the deputy. I wasn’t driving.”

      Her response: “I was. [Name removed for obvious reasons] was driving, and you were screaming in the front seat. ha!”

      As far as the Google Map, sometimes it takes a few seconds to load custom placemarks and routes. It’s cool how you can zoom in and out, unlike a static map.

      1. Hello, how are you doing. Im trying to track some of my family history. My great grandfather, was from cape. I dont know much about him. His name was Damon Thornton Giboney. I can find him on the last census, but i have no previuos history. I was wondering, if you e heard his name, or have any additional information.

        1. Greetings Damon, I am currently seeking information as well. I have traced my roots back to Elmwood I Cape Girardeau, and to Shady Grove Cemetery. There my great, great grandfather who taught in Civil War is buried. Pleasure to have read your post

      2. I would love any information/pictures you might have on the “Consolidated Aviation” training school or “Harris Air Field” around 1945.

  2. Thanks for the history. In the late 50s-early 60s, we used to drive past the gate and white fenced fields on our way to my grandmother’s farm near Zalma. My younger sister, Barb, liked to see the sheep in the fenced fields because she always wanted a lamb for a pet. And, Mt. Tabor Park brings back some fond memories of special summer (or winter, spring, fall) evenings.

  3. I believe the Ranney farm backed up to Elmwood, and I believe Doug’s Aunt Roberta Ranney Evans married into that family. Doug’s grandmother, Wathena, used to tell stories about going to balls (dances) at Elmwood and at the Houck home. Thanks for the photos; we have never mustered the courage to go down the lane. @Bill—I too liked the sheep and remember Mt. Tabor!

  4. My father was an HVAC man for many years and he used to service Elmwood. I wish I could remember all of the stories he told me about the house, but I believe it was one of the first in the area with running water and forced air heating. No doubt it has been updated somewhat through the years, but it was ahead of its time for this area.
    It was also the home of Louis Houck, whose wife Mary Hunter Giboney, and where he died Feb 18, 1925.

    1. Bruce,

      The Missourian Bicentennial piece said central heating and plumbing were added in 1894 and the radiators were still in use in 1975.

      By the way, I’m not crazy about the way this particular WordPress template displays links. They are the gray type, not the usual underline we associate with links. I’ll have to see if that can be changed. I think a lot of folks miss some interesting stuff because they don’t know it’s there.

        1. Hey Lori. This is Amys dad , Darrell. I was married to Dawn. Used to know Bob and worked for him too at the lake and Breckinridge. I get to see Pam once a year or so. Small world to see your post. I had sent pics of Ali to my cousin Brett in Colorado, her recent shots at the house. I hope you are doing well, and Bob also.

    2. We live in the house down the street that Louis hock built for his daughter, erma juden. It is called briarwood. Go online to cape county homes for sale to the address 1172 wolf lane, there are pictures of the house today.

  5. I’m like Terry Hopkins. For all the years that I lived in Cape, I’d never heard of nor seen Elmwood. However, I was familiar with the Giboney name and his association with Houck, the rail road magnate of SE MO in the early part of the last century.

    Your article also brought back some memories of the Consolidated School of Aviation Field. As a child, I remember driving by there and seeing all the aircraft. I recall being told that it was a training center during WWII for military pilots but the field fell into disrepair after the war and was eventually sold to Potashnick Construction Co.

    Thanks once again Ken – ya done good!

    1. Thanks. It’s funny that I don’t remember the Potashnick lot being used as an airfield. I may have been just a little too young.

      Of course, you have to be of a certain age to remember Potashnick. He was a major world-wide player in the construction industry. He was building dams in Egypt while my Dad was carving out farm-to-market roads in SE MO.

      Dad said one of the keys to Potashnick’s success was being able to accurately predict exactly how much equipment it took to do a job and “not one shovel more.”

  6. Another good story, Ken! I wonder if my information on Dalhousie is faulty. I understood that Louis Houck built the house down that long lane by the white fences. His wife was a Giboney, was she not? I guess the house pre-dates Houck, then?
    One dark night, I, too, drove back there (part of the way) with a carload of giggling ten-year-old girls. I, too, lost my nerve and was overwhelmed with the guilt of trespassing – so I turned around without ever seeing the house. The little girls were most disappointed, but I can’t stand intruding where I don’t belong!

    1. Madeline,

      I thought this was going to be one of those pieces where I could post a few pix, throw in a map and get to bed early. I got so engrossed with the history of the place that I didn’t hit the Publish button until around 3:30 in the morning.

      I got so lost in the family tree that I thought it was safer just to post some links than to try to explain what confused me.

      The Giboney clan was first, but the Houcks came into the picture later.

      I spent most of my life intruding, but that’s probably because of my Woody Guthrie leanings. After all, he’s the guy who wrote This Land Is Your Land, with the lines,

      As I was walkin’ – I saw a sign there
      And that sign said – no tress passin’
      But on the other side …. it didn’t say nothin!
      Now that side was made for you and me!

  7. This is interesting about Elmwood. It would be fun to take a tour through! Wonder how many rooms there are? Was born and raised in Cape but alot of these places, didn’t know about. Enjoying your news stories ! Regards Virginia West

  8. Ken, you always have such interesting nuggets of information. I had heard of Elmwood, but had no idea where it was or what it looked like. This is such a great piece on Cape’s history.

    1. Margi,

      If you click on the Google map to get a larger version, then zoom and pan to the northeast, you’ll find a place marked Mt. Tabor Park. You’ll have to check in with Bill East, who seems to have fond memories of that place.

      It was a park that, for some reason, the city abandoned. I thought it was a big mistake then, and I’m sure it’ll become an even bigger mistake now that the population center has shifted in that direction and there will be an increasing need for public green spaces.

    2. Missourian blogger James Baughn, another local treasure, did a whole piece of Mt. Tabor and that the Google Map reference shows a park that doesn’t exist.

      For you folks who were either too young or too old to have visited the park in Bill East’s era, you’ll be appalled at how a huge park – much bigger than I had ever dreamed – was let to slip away.

      Blame where blame is due: I said “the city” abandoned it. James’ story assigns the blame differently:

      Aug. 1, 1983: Cape Girardeau County Court agrees to vacate the Benton Hill Road near the former Mount Tabor Park; the park, just off Bloomfield Road west of Cape Girardeau, reverted to private ownership earlier this year after the Cape Special Road District said it no longer wanted to maintain the park.

  9. A girl friend of my youth lived close to Elmwood, and she called it a castle. I remember her telling me her brother did odd jobs at the house back then and was scared to go inside because of all the armour around, said they looked like men ready to attack as they had swords by their sides. He said it was creepy feeling. Also I can remember seeing buffalo behind the white fence around 1946 or 1947 as we lived in Oran and used Bloomfield Rd for a shortcut to Cape from Hwy 74. Can’t tell you how happy I am to finally see the house for myself.

  10. Ken,
    I have been in the house twice in the 70’s. My impression was the outside is more impressive than the inside. I was there for tours with school children. Your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for what you do!

  11. Ken,
    Loved the story on Elmwood.As a child my father often took me by the house cannot remember for the life of me why we were there.Always thought it was a jewel.
    As an adult I was fortunate enough to get to know Pat and his wife.While we were at home one day Pat offered a tour. I enjoyed the tour and our guide. What a responsibility to keep such a wonderful treasure. Thanks to Pat ad his wife. Thanks also to you for all the memmories.

  12. I remember as a very young child going with my mother to a wedding shower there. While the adults were admiring the gifts and refreshments, I pretended to be a princess and started a self guided tour. The Ballroom was very grand with large portraits on the wall of former family members that had lived there. It was like a castle to me, the stain glass windows were beautiful, lots of granite and marble. I am not sure if ever told my mother about my “tour”, but it was worth taking the chance of getting caught. I went home that night thinking maybe Prince Charming lived there. Oh to be Young again!

  13. I dated a girl in high school named Molly Evans and I made several trips Elmwood in the evening to pick her up. Her mother had a stuffed Owl named Al I remember.
    John Edwards Class of 1970

    1. I knew a Molly she was married to a army officer we were stationed in Germany they were married just before being stationed there her parents owned a home looked like a castle in cape in Missouri Becky and stan Pearson

      1. My nick name is Becky I would love to hear from Molly I live in Arkansas now would love to visit I’m now 79 I was30 when I new Molly and her first husband My number is 479 746 8482

        1. I found a Molly Evans Auer passed away February 2022 in cape Girardeau MO, I knew her while stationed in Germany she was married to her first husband a officer in the army, around 1972?they were married in Elmwood castle I was sorry to hear that.

  14. Not as much a reply—well yes–so very interesting!!, but a question. Does anyone reside there now? And if so, who?

  15. Years ago, as a loan officer with Mercantile Bank, part of my job that I really enjoyed was to make construction inspections. I accidentally turned right off of Bloomfield Road instead of left and had no idea where the road would lead. . . but when I came to the clearing in site of the house – It took my breath away! I had heard of the “Houck (Castle-like)Estate”, but thought it was a thing of the past. There were some little boys who came running out in front who were not very nice about seeing a lady in a car on their lane and they began to throw rocks at my car! I was already turned around and on my way back down the lane so none of their rocks hit my car. But, again, no signs were posted and it looked just like any other entrance into a new building site to me. Manners have become a thing of the past and it’s a shame, private property or not!
    So glad to see the awesome estate again and will save your beautiful pictures in my file, “Cape’s Beautiful Homes and Places”.
    Thank you, Ken, for this nice little “gift”. I look forward to your photos and history every weekend!

    1. I didn’t get a reception like yours, but I didn’t waste much time shooting, then getting out of there just in case.

      By the way, you don’t have to wait until the weekend to read these stories. At the top right of the home page, there are two check boxes. One signs you up to receive an email once a day whenever there is new content. The other notifies you when comments are left.

      If you wait to read all the material once a week, then it’s almost as much as you used to get in a Sunday newspaper. If you spread it out as it comes in, it’s not quite so overwhelming.

      (Seeing folks reading it as I write it gives me a bit of an ego boost, I have to admit. When the trafic spikes on weekends, I’m tempted to not post as much.)

      I encourage you to sign up for the comments. Folks like you add so much to the discussion. I’m just someone who throws out topics for you to talk about.

    2. Cheryll Evans owns the house now, left by her husband who just passed from cancer. His family were some of the owners. It is for sale for $5,550,000. Their three sons were most likely the boys throwing rocks, lol!

      1. I heard from a retired SEMO history professor that the sons were all living in the STL area now and have blown through the family’s money. They put the property up for sale in an attempt to continue funding their lavish lifestyles. If sold, it would have been the first time the property left the ownership of Houck/Gibboney family line. Luckily, the real estate listing for this property was removed in January 2022 without a sale. I’d love to see the family bring in a historical society to manage the estate while it remains owned by the family. Especially with the Dalhousie golf course nextdoor, they could have a mini Biltmore type of situation where they could use the income to maintain the property while sharing the history of the place with the public.

  16. Ken,
    Thanks for all the great information. Maybe I missed it in a earlier post, but who owns the house now, is it occupied?
    I just hope that it is being taken care of. Would be sad to loose a treasure like this, in our backyard. I have never seen it myself, but have always heard of it referred to as ” the Castle”.

    1. Darrell,

      I think the family still owns the house and about 70 acres around it after 900 acres of the original land grant was sold off for a golf course.

      Maybe someone else with more recent info can chime in.

  17. Like I explained in my earlier post. No big mystery. Elmwood is owned by Pat & Cheryl Evans (they’re in the phone book). Descendants of the original owners. My daughter Allison is engaged to Charles Evans.

  18. Many of you may remember BRUNES CLEANERS AND FURRIERS. we were located
    on Main street/at Broadway at the site of an old 4 story mill. We built the front
    office and huge a/c vault where cleaned furs were stored during hot
    weather. Site later became Drivers Liscence Office and now is Johnson
    Law offices. In 1950s we would accompany my dad Charlie when he
    delivered cleaning to the CASTLE now known as ELMWOOD. It was always a mystical experience we looked forward to, and have reminisced about fondly. .
    I will be getting the grand tour soon as my daughter is engaged to one of Pat and
    Cheryl Evans’ sons. If I learn any interesting little known history on Elmwood I
    will pass it on. For instance I heard that Gen. U S GRANT had dinner there with DON LOUIS LORIMER. I bet there are a few ghosts there just waiting to scare me.

    1. Brad,

      We’ll be looking forward to hearing more stories about Elmwood.

      That’s the price I’ll extract for helping you re-establish domestic tranquility. (Inside joke between Brad and me.)

  19. Brad…interesting note on the ghosts of Elmwood, but Louis Lorimier died in 1812 and U.S. Grant was born in 1822. That would be an interesting dinner!
    I am sure that house does hold a lot of historic memories, though.

  20. Grant’s Gate:
    I heard the true “skivvy” on Gen. Grant visiting Elmwood. Seems he was in the area looking for a location to set up temporary headquarters. He was told Elmwood would be an impressive quarters for someone of his stature and renown, plus the property was available because the owner was in the federal detention in Cairo for being a Southern sympathiser. The owners name was Giboney and he was flaunting the state decree that all slaves were to be freed.
    When Grant arrived at Elmwood he did indeed observe a working plantation with numerous “slaves”. He was directed to the main house where he spoke to the black female head of the household. Grant asked her why they were still enslaved. She responded that they were not slaves. They had been freed for sometime now and chose to stay and work the plantation for room/board/and fair compensation.
    She further explained that things were not going well on the plantation since Mr. Giboney had been arrested and that he was loved, and sorely missed and needed by all.
    General Grant was so impressed with everything he observed and heard that he immediately dispatched his aid to Cairo with orders to secure the release and return of Mr. Giboney.
    Out of respect and great admiration the front gate, where the General tied his horse while visiting Elmwood, was named “Grant’s Gate”.
    Grant chose to make his office in downtown Cape in the building that now houses Port Cape Girardeau Restaurant.
    The Houcks and Giboneys were family and it is very likely General Grant was invited back to Elmwood for dinner with the Giboneys and the influential Louis Houck.
    The original residents on the land that became Elmwood plantation were Native American Cherokees. They were friendly with the Giboneys and the residents of the plantation, and I observed several original photographs of these Indians hanging in the Elmwood library.

  21. Yes Ken, the gate is still there. In fact before I knew the significance of the site I tied my dog Olivia to the gate while I toured the grounds. The Evans were so impressed with her they have renamed the gate “Livie’s Gate.” So to fully answer your question, Ken, no Grant’s Gate is no longer there,but Livie’s Gate looks amazingly like Grant’s Gate if you wanted a picture.

  22. Tom Mcgurn ph:386 631 8843
    1065 Hampton Rd
    Daytona Beach, FL 32114
    I am a descendant of Trusten Polk Randol & Cynthia Giboney who is descendant of Alexander Giboney & Rebecca Ramsay/Ramsey. I will be happy to provide historical & genealogical info to ALL related persons.

    1. I’m trying to do some reaearch about my family history. My great grandfather was named Damon Thornton Giboney, and was from cape, wondering if you may know some information.

  23. I am Robert Childs Evans III… my grandmother was Mary Frizell and I am named after Robert Childs Evans who owned. My uncle Pat still lives in the estate, actually. I grew up grown up living, playing, and hearing about all the history with Elmwood. I don’t think anyone knows all of the history related as I do.

    1. I am Mary Giboney Evans, William G. Evans 3rd daughter, Mary Giboney Frissell Evans’s 2nd son. I was told that I was named after my Grand mother Mary Giboney Frissell Evans. Christmas time was very confusing for me as a child. Our family still owns Elmwood. As for history we all have our own stories we hear. I just love the fact that I learned to play bridge at age 5 in the library.

    2. Hello Mr. Evans,
      My family descends from the Giboney-Ramsey’s of Cape Girardeau. I have a few photos of Mary Hunter Giboney-Houck & Rebecca Ramsey Houck-Frissell/Frizell. I would happy to send you a digital copy via email. Take care, Paul W. Tenhet.

  24. I am a descendant of John Ramsay, who was Rebecca (Ramsay)Giboney’s and Alexander Ramsey’s brother. I new of Elmwood from family genealogy and was fortunate to be taken on a tour of the family home by Pat Evans’ wife a year or so ago…it is a fascinating place and made me even more proud of my family legacy.

  25. I’m Karen McCall Tucker. Molly Evans and I were childhood friends.We had such fun at Elmwood.I remember Pat, Louis and Molly’s Mom especially. It was a wonderful house and the grounds were beautiful.
    I live in High Point, North Carolina now and would love to hear from Molly.I’m on Facebook.

  26. Karen,

    I don’t have Molly’s direct number, but I’ll give you Pat’s cell or my dad, Bob Jr., email and one of them can get directly in touch with her. My email is rob@e3marketingassoc.com. Just to keep personal information private. I don’t think Molly is on Facebook.


    1. Hi Rob,

      I would like to get Pat’s cell or your dad’s email, so I can contact Molly. Thanks for your help.

      Best regards,

  27. My sisters and I were friends of the family, and the home was just as spectacular inside as it was out. I loved visiting the home. The Evans were very nice people.

  28. I was lucky enough to visit the home and get a little history on it. It is beautiful and the feeling you get from it is awe inspiring. The Evans family was wonderful. I would just suggest respecting their privacy, after all it is their home. You would not want strange people driving around your home and knocking about, would you?

  29. Molly and my sister were best friends and attended Ursuline Academy together in Arcadia Mo. I was the tag along little sister that would go to Elmwood for the weekends and hang out. Molly’s parents were very cordial and I especially liked her dad, and her brother Lou. Molly’s first marriage took place in the ballroom, which was beautiful. Lovely old home with lots of history. Her grandmother’s room had much memorabilia from the World’s fair, circa early 1900’s. The library was filled with old books and correspondence of Molly’s ancestor, Louis Houck. I remember being fascinated by a letter framed from President Lincoln on display. We especially liked the bedroom with the turret. We had the run of the house, and at that time mostly concerned with hair, make-up, music, dancing and boys! The home and grounds were a magical place and was grateful for their hospitality!

  30. Just read all the interesting comments about Elmwood.
    I was told that there was a slave cemetery and an Indian cemetery on the original property.
    Wondering if anyone knows about those and the location of them?

    be there Saturday October 24th at 10:45 AM (11 – 12:30 PM. Presentation and question/answer period.
    DO NOT MISS this rare opportunity to attend – the Cape River Heritage Museum continuing SPEAKER SERIES is proud to present the history and story of Elmwood Castle presented by Robert “Bob” Herbst – realtor and historian for the property.
    We all think we know about the story of Louis Houck and the Elmwood estate – but so much has been rediscovered while taking new inventories of the contents, furnishings, and history of the land and the Houck & Giboney families.

  32. Are there any pictures posted of what the estate looks like on the Inside? I was there years ago by chance working for a house cleaning agency and was fascinated by it and the history. Would be great to see again.

  33. Hello, how are you doing. Im trying to track some of my family history. My great grandfather, was from cape. I dont know much about him. His name was Damon Thornton Giboney. I can find him on the last census, but i have no previuos history. I was wondering, if you’ve heard his name, or have any additional information. Thanks…please feel free to email me @ damongiboney@hotmail.com

  34. With all this new talk about the Bloomfield Rd revitalization (if that’s what one wants to call it), I’ve seen several mentionings of Elmwood being up for sale. Is there truth to that? I’ve checked all listings for the area and can’t find any, not even a google search. Surely after 100s of years of private ownership the family wouldn’t want to walk away…that would be disappointing to say the least.

  35. I was just bored at the office, and killing time and came across this article. Yes, of course, Elmwood is real, and all the history behind the Giboney/Ramsey/Houck/Evans lineage is hard for many of my family and friends to believe without actually showing them. Yes Pat and Cheryl still reside there, and sold off a portion to create the Dalhousie Golf Course. I’m sure all my relatives would roll in their grave, but a lot of the land was unusable for residential zoning. My grandmother was Mary Frissell, and my name sake was Robert Childs Evans. Miss them both everyday, but the stories and privilege of growing up in the family is great.

    I know that Pat’s shopping for a buyer, but it’s a historical landmark so pretty much the state or the Smithsonian would need to be involved. How do you price it out without Oprah coming in with a Brinks truck. When my ancestors got homesick they had Elmwood built in the same likeness as the Dalhousie Castle in Edenberg, Scotland. It’s now a Hotel and Spa from what I’ve seen. So, the Giboney’s and Ramseys date back to the 1300’s. If I’m right I believe there are 11 bedrooms in Elmwood. It’s constantly being renovated as imagine how the termites have a feast with a castle 200+ years old made of wood and brick in the woods.

    I know there are books about Louis Houck and the history of Elmwood by local SEMO professors. My ancestors originally settled in SE Missouri to set up the Episcopal religion with permission from the King. I’d write a book myself on my families legacy to modern day management of the estate.

    1. We are trying to research the Ramsey connection in the area. My ancestor was DeLafayette Ramsey and was known to be in that area circa 1818-1826. He is descended from the Dalhousie lineage as my DNA proves. Previous to these dates he was in Hillsboro MO area 1808-1818. Later he resided in RN and then Crawford County MO. Trying to find some link whereby we can find a sibling or father for DeLafayette. If any of the Andrew, John or Rebecca line have had DNA done I would love to be able to compare. Any information is appreciated.
      BTW I recently visited Dalhousie in Scotland. Spent two nights there and had a delightful day with the 95 year old Sergeant at Arms listened to the family history in Scotland

  36. I remember staying at Elmwood as a guest of the Evans family in the early 1960’s, and also my family stayed ‘on our own’ while attending a SESU event. Being only 9-10 years of age, I didn’t fully realize the opportunity I was afforded, but I do remember how grand the whole place was. The ballroom, the parlor, the library, the formal dining room, and that staircase being presided over by a story-and-a-half sized stained glass window of Daniel Boone. I oftentimes wish I could have visited again as an adult.

    1. Sorry I was away most of the day and didn’t approve your comment until I got back. New folks get their first comment held for moderation to keep out spam. Now that you’ve posted, keep commenting. It’ll show up right away next time.

      Sorry to hear about Pat. I think he worked sports part time during my Missourian years in the late middle 1960s.

  37. My Grandfather R.L Swan and Grandmother Lillian Swan lived on mount taber. My Grandfathers mother was a daughter of Robert Nebel. I Dutchtown

  38. I heard from a retired SEMO history professor that the sons were all living in the STL area now and have blown through the family’s money. That they put the property up for sale in an attempt to continue funding their lavish lifestyles. If sold, it would have been the first time the property left the ownership of Houck/Gibboney family line. I don’t know the family personally, but thats what was told. Luckily, the real estate listing for this property was removed in January 2022 without a sale. I’d love to see the family bring in a historical society to manage the estate while it remains owned by the family. Especially with the Dalhousie golf course next door, they could have a mini Biltmore type of situation where they could use the income to maintain the property while sharing the history of the place with the public.

  39. Hello, I am the great great grand daughter of Louis Houck and Mary Hunter Giboney Houck. I saw the removed listing for Elmwood and was not surprised by the asking price. In a nice little fantasy world, I dream that all the descendants of the Ramsey’s, Houck’s and Giboney’s could pool their money, purchase the “family” estate and turn it into a “Biltmore” or Dalhousie Castle (now a hotel in near Edinburgh, Scotland but the world has changed so much. I was just telling my daughter that Louis Houck had money, he was well off and was able to pass that wealth to his family. He died almost 100 years ago now and Elmwood is all that is left. The real estate owned by our families is pretty much gone, the railroad ties have been severed by by big corporations like CSX etc.. The trail of wealth has been depleted exponentially since his death and for the majority of us, we are all treading water in 2022. Please do not post hearsay regarding my cousins in St. Louis, you do not know them nor their circumstances. We come from a strong DNA line and have survived many storms. There was no right of primogeniture when it came to Elmwoord or even Briarwood, but both houses hold places in our hearts that cannot be sold for 5 million dollars. I do hope that it can be saved and continued to be owned by family. If not, the stories will be told and passed onto our descendants. I just visited Dalhousie Castle in Scotland and while the Ramsey family has not “owned” that castle for centuries my heart will filled with pride to know my ancestors once walked through that castle. Someday one of my greats might visit Elmwood and know that it was once part of his/her family tree and will still have the stories to tell. Please be mindful of what you say and how you represent a family that you are of no relation. On a sadder note: Molly recently passed away this year for those who had asked about her in earlier posts.

    1. Thanks for filling us in on the family history. I was sorry to see the estate carved up, particularly since the residents of the golfing community were directly or indirectly responsible for destroying the character of one of the most beautiful drives in the area. If you aren’t capable of driving safely on that road at 35 mph, then you shouldn’t be driving. (It’s interesting to note that the speed limit on the road is STILL 35 mph, but I suspect that it’s moving a lot faster.

  40. My very first boyfriend was Patrick Friell Evans JR. His nickname was P2 and I spent a lot of time there. It was so cool. I was 14 years old and went to P2’s Senior Prom with him and about 20 couples ate dinner there before the dance. It was my first love so the memories I had of that place are amazing. He was one of the sweetest guys I ever knew, and we were both so, so in puppy love. But I moved away and that was pretty much all she wrote. We have kept up tiny bit. But it did not suit his wife, which I get. So, we have not talked since 2014. We have not seen each other since Mardi Gras back in 1993. Awe, such simpler times for us back in 1986. Will always love him, and I am pretty darn sure it goes both ways.

  41. Oh my gosh, I’m just now reading some of the posts. When I stayed there I would stay in the turrett room. I felt like a princess. I remember the Daniel Boone stained glass too. Oh and we had so many bonfires on the weekends. I didn’t think they would ever sell. I’m kind of sad about that. I think someone said P2 was in St. Louis. Matt and Charles may be but I believe Pat is still in the Ozarks. He loved to visit his Grandfather and stay for stints there. All such fond memories. Riding on a motor cycle on the property and in his beat up old truck, called the “mud dog” oh, and one of the dogs, Noodles, I loved him too. I even had a dream I went up there and surprised him as a woman in my 20’s and we got married there. It seemed so real. I always thought it was all pretty fantastic… but all I knew is I moved to Cape and was riding up and down the ‘strip’ on a Friday night and saw a cute kinda country farm boy and it was literally like love at first sight. So, being the brazien city girl that I was I found out his number and if I remember correctly, I called him. We were inseperable for the next year… I moved to Cape, and only lived there one year. But that year was filled with so many memories. I mentioned a couple, but we spent a lot of time on a boat in the water too. I never did master slolam skiing … well not like Armbruster. The moderator probably won’t even allow this post because it really isn’t about the house. But I didn’t fall in love with Pat for the house….however, I knew it was special and know I know just how special. We went by there on our first date because he was getting so much grief for taking me out in the Mud Dug, that he went home and we got into a different old truck. I met Ms. Cheryl and Pat. These people were about as down to earth as anyone on the planet. It wasn’t lavish. Just a really nice home on the inside. I went after dark, so I really didn’t even know it was a replica of a castle. I was really only in the kitchen on that visit. But I stayed there a couple of times, as we tried to carry on a long distance relationship as young teens. Of course it didn’t work. Even thought I think he even applied to the University of Alabama (in Huntsville) where I moved. He visited me and I him, but by his graduation we had both moved on, as people do. But I’m so proud to say that I too have been a guest there and only have lovely things to say about the family. I am sad to hear about Pat’s dad. He was a cool character. I pray his Mom Cheryl, his wife and 2 children (I think), and his brothers are well. It’s hard for me to see them as someone else said, living lavishly … I suppose anything couldn’t have happened …. I haven’t stepped foot on that property since 1988. So bittersweet. Oh, I had a typo on the name Frissell in my first post. Sorry for that. I feel like a lucky girl today though. I love hearing more of the history… Pat only told me scattered bits and pieces. God Bless:)

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