St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

When I shot these kids crawling around on the sign in front of the old St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church this spring, I didn’t see that they were doing any damage and no bolt of lightning came out of the heavens to incinerate them, so I guess they got a pass this time.

Their activity may not have reached the bolt of lightning level of offense, but I bet there was someone with a ruler somewhere who was just itching to rap some knuckles.

I published some other photos of the church and Murtaugh Park in April 2010.

9 Replies to “St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church”

  1. Great shot…and yo are correct. I would bet a shiny new dime that if the parents of these two knew then a lightning blot wpold be coming their way.
    Well wait a minute…more than likely the parents now days,would have called their lawyer and sued the church for not having a high enough fence around the church to prevent their little angels from climbing on the sign!
    I think our mom’s would have supplied the lightening bolt and our dad’s the Thunder if this were me or you in the 1950’s.

  2. How many times in our lives have we driven by or entered this beautiful building & not taken notice of its awesome architecture. I don’t know the age or history but was told that it & the seminary were among or were the first structures in the area, other than the Red House across the street. Terry, humorous comment but very true!!!

    1. I could spend two weeks just on the churches in SE Missouri. There are some magnificent structures that dominate many of our small towns. I didn’t realize how many until Ernie and I took our flight this weekend.

    1. Toni,

      The Red House, a replica of the house built by Louis Lorimier (the Father of Cape Girardeau) opened during the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial in 2003. The original building, along with the first St. Vincent de Paul Church, was destroyed by a tornado in 1850.

      I’m more interested in real buildings than replicas, so I’ve never been in the Red House. A description on this web site has convinced me that I need to stop in when I get a free minute.

  3. This is a beautiful building and I’ve never been inside. Between you, Ken, and Ray Boren, I think we need to schedule a lot more time in Cape next year. So many places I want to go for the first time or for the memories of prior visits.

  4. Margi,

    I’ve already overstayed my planned departure by about a week and I have at least two weeks of stuff I’d like to check out.

    I thought my nap magnet back in West Palm Beach had a strong pull, but Cape just won’t let go. I probably wouldn’t notice all these things had I stayed in Cape all my life, but coming back puts them in a new perspective.

  5. Ken,
    I agree with Margi on spending more time in Cape and either discovering or re-discovering Cape’s treasures!
    SO, please write your book about Cape illustrated by your marvelous photos as a guide to everyone on places of interest!

  6. Been inside many times. Was married there Nov 26 1966. Norm’s dad was very instrumental in the remodeling several years ago. It is very beautiful inside so schedule a visit next time you are in Cape. Give me a call and I will go with you as I will now be on the retirement list!

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