When I stopped in for a natural break at a Cape Girardeau facility, I thought it was nice of them to have a ready supply of extra toilet paper ready to go (so to speak).
What caught my eye was the “PROFESSIONAL Bathroom Tissue” label.
I had to wonder how I elevate myself from an amateur bathroom tissue user to a professional one? Do I have to get a degree? Take a test? Demonstrate unusual ability?
I think I’ll hang onto my amateur status despite knowing the outhouse corncob rule – two brown cobs, followed by a white one for quality control.
Unusual Missouri bathrooms
This was spotted in Advance during deer season.
Flying into STL airport
Back in 2011, I had to fly into Lambert from Florida. You should read the whole saga here, including comments. There’s an explanation about what greeted me when I made a short sojourn before boarding my flight.
The account includes running low on fuel getting out of Florida, and the danger of my Cape Air pilot’s potential possum poisoning.
I thought I was getting a real Missouri welcome home.
Another from Advance:
We aim to keep our bathrooms clean.
Your aim is greatly appreciated.