99% Full Moon

99% full moon 08-28-2015I noticed this afternoon that my Droid Moon Phase ap said that Saturday was going to be the full moon, then I dismissed it. After a really nice meal at Tractors in Jackson, I decided to meander on the way home.

Just as I turned a bend on CR 640, this is what I saw.

I was on a curve with no good place to pull off, so I had to back up 50 or so feet where there was enough room to get my passenger side doors on a narrow shoulder that dropped straight down onto Scism Creek.

It would have been nice to be able to make the moon bigger, but I had to make a choice: show the barn or make the moon big.

Reach for the telephoto

99% full moon 08-28-2015I thought I’d try for a compromise: make the moon bigger and sacrifice part of the barn.

In the couple of minutes it took me to walk back to the car and get set up, the light had fallen off dramatically, which was good for the moon, but bad for the building.

Neither shot is earthshaking, but the car didn’t go over into the creek, I got the door closed before the van filled with mosquitoes, and I checked off another nearly full moon photo. That’s not a bad evening.

Click on the photos to make them larger.


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