Walnuts, Woodpeckers and Wind

When Brother Mark brought his chainsaw down a visit or two ago, I asked him if it was time to take down a long-dead walnut tree in the corner of the yard. (You might recall my adventures as a tree trimmer from earlier.)

He said we should leave it up: it had a bunch of woodpecker holes in it, so he didn’t want to foreclose on any bird homes if he didn’t have to.

Take a look in the yard

A couple of mornings ago, Mother told me to come out to see something in the yard. Looks like we had just enough wind to take down a big chunk of the old snag.

Didn’t see any woodpeckers

The tree was mostly hollow and it DID have some woodpecker and other holes, but we didn’t see any sign of birds in it.

The wood is old and dry enough that it should be fairly easy to cut up for winter firewood. Maybe I can convince Mark that it’s too hot to attack a firewood project right now and I can slip out of town before it cools down. Who knows, maybe the rest of the tree will come down and he (note I said “he”) can make one big job out of it.